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If you’re looking for traditional automotive books or just “how-to” videos you’re in the wrong place.
Our Training Modules are developed by top-tier mechanics and automotive instructors, who have realised that skills do not develop by observing others work or watching videos. Successful automotive training matches the mechanics’ practical needs, does not slip off-topic, gives examples from actual problems, and best of all, motivates you to use your brain. The same recipe is the backbone of the Prodiags Training Modules — without traveling or fixed time schedules.
The storytelling in the Training Module is groundbreaking and the studies are visually intelligent. The animations make complicated things simple to understand, the pictures give a contact point to the automotive technology and real work, videos serve as examples when needed, and texts elevate your imagination. Thanks to our customers, the modules also include a printable study material, which guides you as a “virtual teacher”. It’s practically applied tasks are based on real work experience.
Whenever you think you master the subject, you can challenge yourself with the assessments. Warning, without studying you will probably not pass them — but you can always try.
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- a certificate after passing the final exam
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Showing all 98 results
Moottoriajoneuvojen huolto- ja korjausehdot
35.00 € (~$37.80) -
Service- och reparationsvillkor för motorfordon
35.00 € (~$37.80) -
Workshop Safety
16.00 € (~$17.20) -
Autoalan työturvallisuus
16.00 € (~$17.20) -
Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology (in Arabic)
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Hybrid- und Elektrofahrzeugtechnik
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Technology
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Technologie des véhicules hybrides et électriques
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Hibridinių ir elektrinių automobilių technologija
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
El- och hybridfordonsteknik
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
EV ja HEV -tekniikka suomalaisella lainsäädännöllä
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Käsityökalujen tunnistus
2.00 € (~$2.10) -
Työntömitta, kaarimikrometri ja kierretulkki
6.00 € (~$6.40) -
Workshop Abfallsortierung und Wiederverwertung
28.00 € (~$30.20) -
Workshop Waste Sorting and Recycle
28.00 € (~$30.20) -
Korjaamojätteiden lajittelu
28.00 € (~$30.20) -
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
Electricity (in Ukrainian)
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
24.00 € (~$25.90) -
24.00 € (~$25.90) -
24.00 € (~$25.90) -
24.00 € (~$25.90) -
24.00 € (~$25.90) -
Grundlagen der Fehlersuche in der Automobilelektrik
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Automotive Electrical Troubleshooting Basics
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Autosähkötekniikan vianhaku
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Les Bases du Diagnostic Électrique Automobile
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Grunder i felsökning av fordonselektricitet
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Tunnistimet ja toimilaitteet
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
24.00 € (~$25.90) -
Auton pesu
24.00 € (~$25.90) -
Auton suojaus
28.00 € (~$30.20) -
Light Vehicle Proactive Maintenance
28.00 € (~$30.20) -
Henkilöauton ennakoiva kunnossapito
28.00 € (~$30.20) -
Maintenance préventive des véhicules légers
28.00 € (~$30.20) -
Korin korroosiotarkastus
36.00 € (~$38.80) -
Henkilöauton kunto- ja katsastustarkastus
48.00 € (~$51.80) -
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Maintenance Service
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
EV Scheduled Maintenance
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Sähköauton määräaikaishuolto
39.00 € (~$42.10) -
Wartung und Instandhaltung der Bremsen
48.00 € (~$51.80) -
Brake Service and Maintenance
48.00 € (~$51.80) -
48.00 € (~$51.80) -
Sähkömekaaniset pysäköintijarrut
18.00 € (~$19.40) -
Reifen, Felgen und Reifenarbeiten
36.00 € (~$38.80) -
Tyres, Rims and Tyre Work
36.00 € (~$38.80) -
Rehvid ja veljed
36.00 € (~$38.80) -
Renkaat, vanteet ja rengastyö
36.00 € (~$38.80) -
Däck, fälgar och däckarbete
36.00 € (~$38.80) -
Reifendruckkontrollsystem – RDKS
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
Tyre Pressure Monitoring System
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
Rengaspainevalvonta – TPMS
24.00 € (~$25.90) -
Däcktrycks-övervakningssystem – TPMS
32.00 € (~$34.50) -
Power Steering
18.00 € (~$19.40) -
18.00 € (~$19.40) -
54.00 € (~$58.30) -
Ajoneuvon jousitus
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Startersystem und Start-Stopp-System
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Starting and Start-Stop System
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Le Démarrage et le système Start-Stop
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Start och Start-Stop -system
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Käynnistys- ja Start-Stop -järjestelmä
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Ladesystem und Starterbatterien
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Charging System and Starter Batteries
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Laddningssystem och startbatterier
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Latausjärjestelmä ja käynnistysakut
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Bensiininsuihkutuksen perusteet
36.00 € (~$38.80) -
EOBD/OBD-II Eigendiagnose
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
EOBD/OBD-II Self-diagnostics
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Autodiagnostic EOBD / OBD-II
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
EOBD/OBD-II savidiagnostika
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
EOBD/OBD-II itsediagnostiikka
34.00 € (~$36.70) -
Common Rail Einspritz-System
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Common Rail Fuel System
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Common Rail polttoainejärjestelmä
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
„Common Rail“ degalų sistema
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Common Rail Fuel System (in Ukrainian)
44.00 € (~$47.50) -
Diesel pumppusuutinjärjestelmä
20.00 € (~$21.60) -
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Diesel Exhaust Gas Technology
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Diesel pakokaasutekniikka
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
Dyzelinio variklio išmetamųjų dujų technologija
38.00 € (~$41.00) -
HV Fahrzeugtechnik – Toyota Prius 2011
16.00 € (~$17.20) -
HV Vehicle Technologies – Toyota Prius PHEV 2014
22.00 € (~$23.70) -
HV Fahrzeugtechnik – Hybrid-Auto Beispiele
18.00 € (~$19.40) -
Automatic Transmissions
52.00 € (~$56.10) -
52.00 € (~$56.10) -
Les boîtes de vitesse Automatiques
52.00 € (~$56.10) -
Ilmastointi ja lämmönhallinta
48.00 € (~$51.80) -
Pyrotekniset turvalaitteet
38.00 € (~$41.00)
Showing all 98 results