Butiken för onlineutbildning i fordonsteknik


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Våra utbildningsmoduler är utvecklade av kunniga tekniker och instruktörer, som insett att kunskapen inte utvecklas av att se på när andra jobbar eller genom att se på videor. Framgångsrik fordonsutbildning motsvarar mekanikerns behov, frångår inte ämnet, ger exempel från verkliga problem, och bäst av allt, motiverar dig att använda din hjärna. Samma recept är ryggraden i Prodiags utbildningsmoduler — utan resande eller fasta tidtabeller.

Historieberättandet i utbildningsmodulen är banbrytande och studierna visuellt smarta. Animationerna gör svåra saker enkla att förstå, bilderna ger en kontaktyta till fordonstekniken och riktigt arbete, videor fungerar som exempel vid behov, och texterna upplyfter din fantasi. Tack vare våra kunder innehåller modulerna även ett utskrivbart material som guidar dig som en “virtuell lärare”. Det är praktiskt tillämpade exempel baserade på riktig arbetserfarenhet.

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  • 12 månaders tillgång till det köpta materialet – utan månadsprenumerationer.
  • tillgång till att njuta av banbrytande Prodiags utbildningsmoduler för fullt
  • ett diplom efter avklarat slutprov

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Varför Prodiags? Stäng

Automatic Transmissions

52.00  (~$54.40)

As automatic transmissions have developed, they have decreased in size and their structures are more compact. At the same time the gear count has risen to even as high as 9 gears, and their efficiency has caught up with other transmission types. Due to this, the technicians need to update their knowledge on “traditional” automatic transmissions.

  • Presentation of different transmissions
  • Structure and gear ratios of an automatic transmission
  • Torque converter, operation and hydraulic control
  • Planetary gear sets and operation
  • Planetary gear sets’ clutches and brakes
  • Hydraulic pressure regulation levels and shifting pressure control
  • Other components of the hydraulic control system
  • The transmission’s control unit and shifting programme
  • Electrohydraulic control
  • Speed, temperature and pressure
  • Driver’s functions and transmission control

Why this module?

What will you learn?

In the first study section, after presenting the different transmission types, we go through the automatic tranmission’s structure, for example the torque converter, hydraulic system and transmission mechanics in-depth. In this section you will learn what happens inside the transmission when you see the modes P, R, N, D, D1, etc. on the instrument cluster display. In the section “Components”, you will study the torque converter’s operation, which is made easy by the module’s visual animations.

The structure of the automatic transmission. Torque converter, planetary gear set and the clutches and the brakes.
The planetary gear sets and the clutches and brakes used to control them make up their own entity. In the planetary gear set operation you familiarise yourself with gear sets that have made the development of the transmission possible, for example Compound Planetary Gear Sets (Ravigneaux ja Simpson Gear Set) and Nested Planetary Gear Sets.
General overview of the transmission’s hydraulic control. In the image the automatic transmission’s solenoids and valves and oil pump. Also brakes and clutches and manual valve or gear selector valve in the image.
In the section on hydraulics you learn what kind of different hydraulic pressures are regulated in the transmission, how different torque converters are controlled and what the shifting pressure, that makes shifting smooth, is.

In the second study section, the center is the control system of the mechanics and hydraulics, and its electrical structure. With this module you learn how to utilise the electrical and structure schematics provided by the manufacturer, and use them to make an assumption of what operational checks can be performed with electrical measurements.

The hydraulics control uses different pressure levels, such as; line pressure, shifting pressure, control pressure and torque converter pressure, with which the pressure is kept stable and solenoids’ mechanical movement is quicker even though the control currents are lower.
In addition to the regulating and switching solenoids used in the control, the manual valve (gear selector valve) is a central part of the operation, even though it might be fully electrically operated.

In addition to their compact construction, automatic transmissions are special due to the fact that transmissions contain very different amounts of sensors, which we are used to use as aid when troubleshooting. Many programme and calculation measures decrease the need for sensors. That is why it is crucial to understand the function of the sensors in the transmission, since a fault in these might interrupt driving at once.

Example images on electrical measurement connected to automatic transmission troubleshooting.

At the end of the study section, we get to know the driver’s functions, control devices and driving modes’ differences in the shifting maps. The electrification of the gear selector used by the driver has also brought many versions of its connection to the transmission itself. Electronic use also has a crucial effect on the release of the Park Lock mechanism in a fault situation.



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Learning Outcomes

After studying you will have a strong knowledge of the automatic transmission’s operation. You will be ready to develop your troubleshooting skills in practice and adopt the differences across different manufacturers solutions, as well as utilising instruction and training effectively. This training gives you the opportunity to even specialise in becoming an automatic transmission expert.


After completing your module of study and approved completion of the exercises, you will be allowed to take the final exam. After completing the final exam, you can print a Prodiags certificate from your attainments register as proof of your expertise.

Digitally verified certificate for completion of the module

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To reach the best learning outcomes you will benefit from having a basic knowledge in electricity and measuring technology as well as the basics of common solutions in sensor and actuator technology. To study Electricity, we recommend the Training Modules:

  • Electricity
  • Electronics
  • Automotive Electrical Troubleshooting Basics

Content Equivalence

This course’s topics and objectives correspond in scope to a conventional 3 day training event.

Once you have made your payment, you get immediate access to the content in the form of a license valid for 12 months. You’ll save time and money by not needing to travel.

System Requirements

Internet connection and PC or laptop with browser. Recommended screen resolution 1024 x 768 or higher.


We want to make sure that you always have the latest version of our product. Prodiags reserves the right to make real time updates and changes. This way you’ll always have the best version, without extra fees.

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1/4 – Jag är en mekaniker och vill styra betalning till min förman. Hur kan jag göra detta?

  • När du beställer en Prodiags utbildningsmodul kan du enkelt styra betalningen till din förman eller t.o.m. din mamma. Öppna/skriv ut instruktionerna via länken nedan.

Utskrivbara beställningsinstruktioner (PDF, på engelska)

Mechanic showing “ok” to supportive workshop manager regarding Prodiags Online Automotive Training

2/4 – Hur kan jag erbjuda nyttig utbildning till mina mekaniker t.ex. när en kund annulerar en bokad tid?

  • Med en online-utbildningsmodul kan du utnyttja luckor i bokningskalendern till användbar utbildning.
  • Om du har en ambitiös mekaniker vars kunskap och kompetens du vill höja, är Prodiags utbildningsmoduler det enklaste sättet att komma igång med utbildningen.

Läs mer om fördelarna >> För verkstadsförmän

Auto technician showing "thumbs up" to manager for providing Prodiags online modules as employee training at the repair shop

3/4 – Vad krävs det för kunskaper av mig för att ge mervärde till mitt utbildningstillfälle med pre-learning och onlinematerial?

  • Att börja använda utbildningsmaterialet kräver endast några klick. Du beställer utbildningsmaterialet, lägger till användare, och pre-learningen kan börja.
  • En central del som ger mervärde är utbildningsmodulens uppgifterna: utbildaren och den studerande känner till utgångsnivån, vilket möjliggör kvarhållning av intresset och motivationen i utbildningen.

Läs mer >> Utbildare/lärare

Person sleeping during class in lecture hall with engine on the stand

4/4 – Hur kan jag dela och presentera Prodiags produkter till mitt nätverk?

  • Prodiags utbildningsmoduler i fordonsteknik är riktade till alla med ett intresse för fordonsbranschen. Vi samarbetar me olika influencers och binder inte våra partners med vårt brand.
  • Ifall du är intresserad av att presentera din egna samarbetsidé, fyll i influencer formuläret och berätta om dig själv och din idé. Formuläret är på engelska, men du kan skriva svaren på svenska om du vill.

   Öppna Influencer-formuläret (på engelska) >>

Social media influencer coming out of phone screen holding a megaphone sharing Prodiags online training to his network of automotive professionals