Why this module?
The Cars owner/user is able to perform proactive maintenance by carrying out various actions and key inspection processes which affect the operational reliability of the car, and particularly the costs of having the car repaired. This study material consists of tips for car owners written by professionals in the automotive sector.

What will you learn?
An important part of receiving driving instruction is to enable you to understand matters connected to using and operating the car and its functions. Without any prior training or understanding in these matters, these will be unfamiliar to you.. Learn in your own time whilst being in your vehicle, and benefit from professionals’ guidance. In this module you will learn which items and matters need to be included in your daily routine, when you should set aside some time for looking after your car, and how to prepare for longer trips.

During this course of the study, you get to familiarise yourself with the examples as well as your own vehicle when carrying out basic vehicle maintenance. You will get to know what kind of equipment you have in the vehicle, and also the type of accessories you should consider buying and why.
You also get to understand the different functions and warnings of the instrument panel and their meanings and how their lighting up affects driving and how to avoid further damage.
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Learning Outcomes
After completing this study course, you will have good basic knowledge about proactive vehicle maintenance. You will gain excellent knowledge and skills after driving instruction and/or very well positioned to engage in further studies. During this course of study, you will gain valuable knowledge about your vehicle’s condition, improving operational safety, and user experience. Proactive maintenance also means savings due to reduced maintenance costs in the future.
After completing your module of study and approved completion of the exercises, you will be allowed to take the final exam. After completing the final exam, you can print a Prodiags certificate from your attainments register as proof of your expertise.
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Taking part in this study does not require any prior knowledge or specific interest in automotive technology.
Content Equivalence
This course’s topics and objectives correspond in scope to a conventional 2 day training event.
Once you have made your payment, you get immediate access to the content in the form of a license valid for 12 months. You’ll save time and money by not needing to travel.
System Requirements
Internet connection and PC or laptop with browser. Recommended screen resolution 1024 x 768 or higher.
We want to make sure that you always have the latest version of our product. Prodiags reserves the right to make real time updates and changes. This way you’ll always have the best version, without extra fees.
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1/4 – Jag är en mekaniker och vill styra betalning till min förman. Hur kan jag göra detta?
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2/4 – Hur kan jag erbjuda nyttig utbildning till mina mekaniker t.ex. när en kund annulerar en bokad tid?
- Med en online-utbildningsmodul kan du utnyttja luckor i bokningskalendern till användbar utbildning.
- Om du har en ambitiös mekaniker vars kunskap och kompetens du vill höja, är Prodiags utbildningsmoduler det enklaste sättet att komma igång med utbildningen.
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3/4 – Vad krävs det för kunskaper av mig för att ge mervärde till mitt utbildningstillfälle med pre-learning och onlinematerial?
- Att börja använda utbildningsmaterialet kräver endast några klick. Du beställer utbildningsmaterialet, lägger till användare, och pre-learningen kan börja.
- En central del som ger mervärde är utbildningsmodulens uppgifterna: utbildaren och den studerande känner till utgångsnivån, vilket möjliggör kvarhållning av intresset och motivationen i utbildningen.
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4/4 – Hur kan jag dela och presentera Prodiags produkter till mitt nätverk?
- Prodiags utbildningsmoduler i fordonsteknik är riktade till alla med ett intresse för fordonsbranschen. Vi samarbetar me olika influencers och binder inte våra partners med vårt brand.
- Ifall du är intresserad av att presentera din egna samarbetsidé, fyll i influencer formuläret och berätta om dig själv och din idé. Formuläret är på engelska, men du kan skriva svaren på svenska om du vill.
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