Prodiags Personal Pre-learning Concept

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Experienced middle-aged or old mechanic with gray hair lifting a car tyre for mounting the tire. Dark gray car on scissor lift. Representing a user of the Prodiags Online Pre-Learning Training concept for automotive workshops.
Pre-learning is widely used by vehicle manufacturers to raise the learning outcome of their training events. Prodiags offers a concept that now makes pre-learning available to every auto mechanic and technician. If you want your employees to get the most out of the training events, start using the Pre-Learning concept.

Benefits of pre-learning:

  • The learning can start at once — when the motivation and need arises
  • Enables learning alongside work — utilise idle times
  • Make sure your technician enters a training event on an correct difficulty level — with the training modules’ assessments
  • Prepare technicians for more efficient learning at the training event — and more hands-on
  • Lead technicians to ask correct questions from trainer — get maximal benefits for your workshop

Complementing traditional face-to-face training with pre-learning will, by experience, bring better learning outcomes and deeper knowledge.

Car garage or automotive workshop manager or owner drinking coffee in office. Bald man with gray beard in a blue button-up shirt holding a paper coffee mug. Planning the Prodiags Pre-Learning training concept for his mechanics and technicians before their face-to-face automotive tech training course. In the image a picture of a calendar with the texts training and remember pre-learning.